Friday, September 14, 2007

Getting Ready to Go Om

Ahh, to live stress-free for a week -- I can't wait. I'll be taking my yoga-cation September 24-28, and taking as many classes at Greenbelt Om as possible.

What I really like about my yoga-cation is that I can do it right from home. I can sleep in my own bed, take long walks with my dogs every day, treat myself to lunch at the New Deal, hang out in the library -- all the things I would do, if only I had more time and less to worry about. And if I get really ambitious I may even paint my kitchen, and other things I keep meaning to get to. Usually I'm too tired after a day at work to do the bigger projects, but with some openings in my time -- and in my mental state -- I may feel like doing them. On the other hand, I may not! Woo-hooo! I get to choose, and do whatever I like.

I'm looking forward to doing yoga in the morning, though I'm not a morning person. Usually mornings are such a drag -- getting out of bed just seems like a bad way to start the day :) . Yoga will open my eyes at my own pace, and all that stretching and musclework will give me the kind of vigor I don't get at the desk.

I discovered yoga on another yoga-cation, one to a tiny town on the Yucatan peninsula. There, right next to the beach, we slept in stone-floored cottages under mosquito netting and sunbathed between yoga classes. It was a great introduction to yoga -- I couldn't have helped liking that vacation even if they had given me papercuts all day long or something.

This time, I'm doing the yogacation homestyle, with all my own comforts around me. And it's waaay cheaper.

I will try to do the evening back-to-back yoga classes (on Tuesdays and Thursdays, one class ends at 7:15 and another starts at 7:30) but I might get noodle-legs between the first class and the second.

I'm not all Yoda about this yoga -- there IS try, not just "do or do not." I figure that's what yoga is about -- trying your best to clear your mind, open your heart, achieve your posture. You don't have to make it perfect. You just have to listen to your body and your mind, and try to be.

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